I am borrowing this from http://housekeepinginprogress.blogspot.com/2011/01/happy-homemaker-monday.html. Can you tell I'm slightly bored @ work...2 posts 1 day.
The weather in my neck of the woods:Gee…another snow/ice storm….shocker!
Things that make me happy:
Deep belly baby giggles and when my hubby loads the dishwasher to my specifications.
Book I'm reading:Nada….although I do sneak in some Southern Living when I get a sec…
What's on my TV today: It will be the weather channel when I get home from work and some Sprout while I prep dinner.
On the menu for dinner:Chicken marsala(thanx mom!)and pasta, roasted asparagus
On my To Do List:
Well it’s Monday, so not much…get home from work, laundry, prep dinner, take some pics for home tour Tuesday, bathe baby and hopefully be in bed by 9 ;-)
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I need to get more creative with risotto…
In the craft basket:
Ummm…I may stick some potpourri in a jar ~ I completely FAILed my January craft goals. Such is life.
Looking forward to this week:
Snow (NOT), dinner with a good friend and a Superbowl party aka munchfest…
Tips and Tricks:
I have some REALLY good ones, I am sure I must….let me get back to you ;-p
My favorite blog post this week:
This is a great idea…check it out http://thepaintedhome.blogspot.com/2011/01/s-l-t-e-c-o-s-t-e-r-s.html
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): Nicole is a genius with a camera…truly. Check out her blog here: http://oncloud8.blogspot.com/
Lesson learned the past few days:
Sit & play with the kids….the laundry, scrubbing, ironing, etc…will get done.
On my mind:
I’m ready to get my hands dirty and start spring pruning, planting and all that yard work jazz….cept’ the snow won’t melt!
January 31, 2011
The Coal House

Good restaurants are NOT hard to find on the Jersey Shore, it's seeing what ones can survive the winters with just the locals patronizing them. Our friend & co-worker just partnered with a couple others to open a coal-fired pizza restaurant in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ and I have a feeling they will not have any trouble making it to Memorial Day, when our population swells. Hubster, some friends and I went on Friday nite to take a taste and I am already dying to go back. It was a lovely evening with a light snow falling and the air was electric with TGIF ~ everyone was happy to relax at the end of a week. The restaurants interior is more chic than the tavern feel of most places locally...tall ceilings, rich colors and fantastic lighting.
On to the good part! The menu is simple...salads, pizzas, paninis and a few dessert offerings. What makes CH unique is the "coal-fired" ovens, I can honestly say I didn't notice a difference between coal, or brick oven or regular pizza joints. What I did appreciate was the freshness of the ingredients, the simple menu that doesn't assault your senses (I do not need 47 toppings!), the great service and the fact that the pizza came to the table HOT!!
We sampled the house salad, antipasto, the original pie, the four-cheese, the whole wheat (they also offer gluten-free and vegan pies) and the white pie (my fave!). When it came to dessert, I can normally pass, but I was trying to absorb some FAB sangria my girlfriend made for the occasion (that recipe to follow...). We sampled the CH choco cupcake, CH Cannoli~~~heaven~~~cupcake and the cheesecake. All worth saving some room for.
Times like this I wish I had a huge readership to share with, but I will put this out there for my couple of "tri-staters" and anyone who may take a trip to the jersey shore @ some point! Check out the Coal House here: http://simplytakeout.com/thecoalhouse/coalhouse/
January 28, 2011
Ballard Designs (still dreaming of accent pieces...)

(photos courtesy of Ballard Designs)
January 27, 2011
January 26, 2011
January 25, 2011
Keeping a Resolution

Pantry Raid!

I am linking up with Flip Flops & Pearls and Webbisodes for Home Tour Tuesdays Pantry Raid. I tidied up a *bit* for this weeks entry, and if anything else, these peeks into my home are good for that! (Lord help me for the Linen closet tour next week). Anyhoo, I am grateful for the pantry space I do have, but it overflows into cabinets...the breakfast/bread cabinet, the spice - teas -baking - recipe soup cabinet, etc....but I am NOT showing ya'll the junk food drawer! As far as my fave snack...always has been/always will be Cheerios. Healthy right??? Wrong! I could eat a whole box in one sitting.... Have a wonderful Tuesday! (I am having more trouble posting the link-up buttons?!?!)
January 24, 2011
Accent Pieces

I've been window shopping again! All of the above are from Horchow's Accent Furniture under $600. Click here to see more http://www.horchow.com/store/catalog/templates/HP3.jhtml?itemId=cat12480732&parentId=cat000001&masterId=cat000000. Happy Monday to all!
January 20, 2011
Homes I Love

Shades of the Shore
From the Realtor:
Completely renovated home - the perfect beach house! Located in the North End of Spring Lake within one block to the ocean. Custom moulding-quality kitchen with top of the line appliances and cottage charm. Hand made windows and wide plank flooring. Designer wall paper and artistic touches throughout. Vintage charm with modern amenities. Great front porches for relaxing and enjoying the ocean breezes and entertaining. Serene and private rear yard.
Taking a break today....

to Ebay. I am purging my closet and some items are too good (and new) to put in my goodwill bags, besides we need extra money (doesn't everyone these days). Pics of what I am selling are above, if anyone should be interested, shoot me an email (the LV is not real, the other items are!) I'll be back tomm with a Home I Love and next week with some fun stuff ;-)
January 18, 2011
More of our Master Bedroom

I am adding these pics after showing off my nightstand on Flip Flops & Pearls/Webbisodes Home Tour Tuesdays. Have a lovely Wednesday!
Lights Out! Home Tour Tuesday

January 14, 2011
Playing with Picnik

I am so computer illiterate, that I am surprised I can produce posts at all. I am using my honeymoon in Aruba pics to explore some photo editing techniques from Picnik. I am LOVING the 60's feature, reminds me of old pics of my parents & grandparents!
Now if someone can teach me how to customize my blog background & header (for free)????
Scenes from our House

Messy little man

Again...the Horror of something new....

On the eve of a snowstorm....
Tuesday we were awaiting our 3rd major snowstorm of the season. During dinner I used the excitement of an impending snowstorm to have our VERY picky eaters try new food. Success? The big one tried meat loaf (with obvious disdain) and the little one gave himself a mashed potato facial (although some made it into his mouth). Along with Jammies worn inside out and the house looking like an explosion in a toy factory, it was a happy, random night in our lives.
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