April 18, 2011

Taking a Spring Break

Since we both have to work, albeit abbreviated schedules, we're going to add some fun to the boys Spring Break... We started with a little rock & bowl yesterday and tonight we will rule the arcade. Hoping for good weather to make it to Storybook Land. By Far the BEST amusement park for young children, if you are ever in South Jersey or near Atlantic City, you've got to try it. Beautiful and clean. I will do a detailed post sometime in the future explaining its "awesomeness"!
I'm hoping to catch up on some crafting projects...including the scrabble tile shadow boxes I'm making for the boys for their playroom and,
an ugly birdbath makeover. Ours is not exactly like this one, it's similar. I'm just trying for one a bit more understated...
Planting some white pampas grasses around the yard and some morning glories to trail up the mailbox.

I'm going to also be whipping up some classic recipes for Easter that I will share on some of the fabulous recipe show & tell link-ups. And finally, pant shopping for the boys...despite the fact that it is spring, I need to get them out of the capri pants ;-p

So, needless to say, I am going to be laying low until after easter. Have a wonderful week, Happy Easter and relish every moment with your families!

xoxo, Traci

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