A day in the life…
5:15 Alarm goes off
5:24 Snooze
5:33 Snooze
5:35 Guilt over snooze, get up
Brush teeth, contacts in, shower, moisturize, make-up (minimal), hair (pony), dress,jewelry & perfume
6:05 Assault & taunt husband to get out of bed
6:08 Head downstairs to pack lunches, start coffee, gather jackets & warm up cars (seasonal)
6:30 Head back up to aid husband in dressing toddler (cranky)
6:40 Drop cranky toddler off at daycare and kvetch with his teacher for a few
6:50 Head up the garden state parkway to work
7:20 Arrive at work for a long 8 ½ day. Won’t get into details but the administrative position I hold is feast or famine, extremely slow or extremely busy. Summer is my slow time. Yay! More time to blog.
11:30 Lunch. Often at my desk and quite bland.
12:00 Back to work…
3:45 Head back down the GSP to pick up baby
4:15 Pick up milk, dry cleaning, lottery tickets, sometimes dinner
4:40 Arrive home and unpack us from our day
4:45 Start laundry, wash lunch dishes, get mail, check machine
5:00 Start dinner, normally 75% homemade (except pizza Fridays)
6:00 Eat dinner
6:20 Clean up from dinner, dishes, clean dishes, continue laundry
7:00 Bathe and play with happy toddler, lay out school clothes and cuddle.
7:40 Put snuggly toddler to bed.
7:45 More laundry
8:00 Depends on the day. Mondays & Wednesdays I blow out my hair to save time. The rest of nights cleaning, crafting, eBaying (I sell) or blogging.
9:30 Throw a wave to husband watching a sport of some type as I head upstairs
Wash face, moisturize, brush teeth, remove contacts, chapstick
9:40 Crawl into bed, put on a DVR’d show for background and pick up my current book
9:59 Fall asleep glasses on, book in hand
1:37 Dreaming of the weekend…