February 27, 2014

Revisiting the One Room Challenge {now}

I'm Joining Linda @ Calling it Home today to showcase what our One Room Challenge rooms are looking like today.

This was our home office at the final week of the ORC 2013.

This is where I started...flesh colored walls and tacky border.

The brown futon has been moved temporarily into the boys playroom and the plants needed a brighter place for this cold winter.

Some things have changed, but the essence of the room with it's gray walls, warm wood floors and bright accessories make me smile every time I'm in there!

So, keeping it real, it's become a package depository. 

Sports bag drop off

Stacks and stacks of magazines fill each corner...literally.

That being said, it's a working, productive home office!

Head over to Linda's and check out how all of the others are faring some months later...

Some are even more beautiful than when we last saw them at the finale and I didn't think that was possible...

It's an amazing group of talented ladies!

Thanks for visiting!

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