May 9, 2014

5 on Friday

1. Ebates.  I cannot stress how awesome this program is.  Sign up, use it and make it a habit.  I've been a member since 2011 and have received almost $620 in cash back.  In addition to using it for online shopping, I also just used it recently with  We were barely home when I got my cash back for our hotel stay.  Very cool.  Try it here!

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

2. One Room Challenge.  FAIL.  But I hope to complete my room within the next few days and show up late to the party. Please visit Calling it Home to see all of the Fabulous makeovers (there is some serious A-list talent going on over there...)

3, 4, 5. Chicago.  We had the most amazing weekend in Chicago and it is now my favorite city (and from someone living smack dab in between NY and Philly, that's saying alot).  I will be doing a wrap-up post next week on the wedding we attended, the food + drink and the sights.  Simply awesome...and it was wonderful to reconnect with my husband and "date" again!


The Sights

Time spent with family + friends


Just plain ol' loveliness. Stay Tuned!

Thanks for visiting!

Put A Bird On It

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