June 12, 2012

Vintage Dresser Rehab

 And by vintage, I mean mine.  I had this til' I was about 10, 11? Complete with Shalimar perfume sticker melted to one of the bottom drawers and my initials etched in various spots.  
This has been stored for a ton of years now and my mom finally said come and get it if you want it (or else).
 I had recently stolen a family trunk out of the big boys room to put in the living room (more on that later), so I decided to rehab that lovely brown, brassy pulled, marginally-made dresser.
 For just under $20, I was able to transform the dresser into a more legitimate, useful piece of furniture.  Indigo spray paint in a satin finish and 8 cheap, brushed nickle-ish drawer pulls.  I think it looks darling in his room! (He just can't put anything substantial in there...socks, undies and bathing suits - that's it!  Anything more and it may collapse...)
So anyhoo...I hope to get back to blogging more often.  I really do have a FAB-U-LOUS Living Room Re-do to show off, but I am so scared to hang anything (i.e. put nails back in the wall, it's so pristine right now just painted) and haven't finalized my furniture placement,  BUT as soon as I get up the nerve, it will be here!

Hope all of my followers are well; if you are out there at all!  I just don't know where the time goes...

Thanks for visiting ~ Traci xoxo

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