October 12, 2011

Montauk Daisies {semi} Wordless Wednesday

I've been obsessed with Montauk Daisies this week and I'd never even heard of/or noticed them before. I'm a wanna-be gardener. I try my hand at lots of plantings, but really have only ever excelled at Morning Glories (which will be part of my 1st ever give-away next week!)
On Monday, I was house-hunting with my Mom and noticed a planting at one of the homes...Montauk Daisies. I was attracted not only by the blooms, but the thick woody stems and the fact that they are a Fall bloomer.
I picked one up at my local nursery and I am obsessing over where to put it in the ground before the first frost. I'm so (strangely) excited!
It was late by the time I got home, so you get an after dark shot.
Then I tried one without flash.....How freaky is the moon "trail"?!

Tomorrow I will be graciously accepting a Versatile Blogger Award and singing the praises of one of my faves that bestowed it upon me...stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting! xoxo Traci


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